Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Jazz for Little People

I was excited to see this: "jazz songs for kids and their grown-ups!" I love all types of music and I like to expose our little people to new genres. After checking out a few songs, I downloaded the entire sampler - we love it! From the 9 year old to the 1 year old, we were all dancing, singing and having fun with our new music.

Coal Train Railroad, or CTRR for short, vibe about sharing in "What's Mine Is Yours" - a topic that never goes out of style for little people. They provide plenty of plain ol' fun in "Jump@7", "Bicycle" and "My Mouth and Me". The uptempo beats in songs like "I'm Diggin' Me" allow for tons of dancing and exercise.

Being a follower, I view and hear everything with Christ-like eyes and ears. Two songs triggered my radar - "The Spider and The Fly" and "It's Hard To Listen".

The first talks about the the spider trying to lure the fly into his web. The spider is revealed as a liar as the hook plays, "It's a lie, it's a lie, it's a low down dirty, dirty lie." Personally, I don't prefer our little people to hear this song over and over. I do think that it can easily be related to the enemy's schemes and tactics and can possibly help teach little people not to be easily deceived.

The second song chronicles the plight of being obedient when you want to do otherwise. I was more lenient with this song in allowing the little people to listen a few times, but I think we're done now. I can appreciate illuminating the independence battle that we all have with our parents as we get older. Truthfully, we have this same battle as adults with our heavenly Father.

All in all, I think this is a wonderful album to have in iTunes (or wherever your music lives). Enjoy!